Este es un blog 100% hecho a mano con desechos reciclabes encontrados en Internet. Come frutas y verduras, usa condón con extraños y con los de siempre (más si sospechas de su promiscuidad), escucha buena música y nunca nunca subestimes o sobreestimes tus ideales, son solo eso, ideales. Agítese al leer. kdsjfghd, jkhbvsdfh sdf, hjghbbckckcffjjV

Comercial Cagado de la Agencia Optix

mayo 11, 2009

Andreas Pohl Director creativo de Optix, agencia encargada de hacer el comercial...

When the agency came to us with the idea to show the increase of money on the international market in connection with some kind of sexual relation, we were very enthusiastic. No doubt, we had to do this!

The goal was to create a world completely made out of banknotes and explicit characters that stood for themselves. So we spent many days and nights doing a lot of research finding the right objects such as furniture, buildings, bridges, certain landscapes, clothes, etc.

This procedure was followed by style frames in 2D to evoke the right feeling, tone and look for the film while having a special origami look in the back of our minds. After we were done creating rough animatics, we could start to fine tune our characters, as well as the different scenarios of the spot. Our final task was to blend all the scenes, camera tracks and sounds together.

All characters (Lincoln, Mao and the unknown lady) were created as 3D characters in Softimage XSI. Therefore, our designing team engaged in a lot of origami studying. To get used to the technique, we spent a lot of time with uncountable folding sessions. We took dollar and pound notes and folded Origami figures until our hands bled.

Then we were able to start with the digital modeling. Each character received an individual animation rig. With this digital skeleton we defined positions, rotations as well as the movements of the particulars.

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Apoya a la musica, compra los tracks ya sea en aTunes, Amazon o alguna de esas tiendas de interné o en tu tienda de discos favorita cómprate el disco completo o así, por q una cosa es ser pragmático y otra ser cool.

los tracks o discos o blah ( o sea todo lo posteado ) tiene fines de difusión así que si escuchas la rola, tonz luego pues apoya al artisttt, va? Va.
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