Este es un blog 100% hecho a mano con desechos reciclabes encontrados en Internet. Come frutas y verduras, usa condón con extraños y con los de siempre (más si sospechas de su promiscuidad), escucha buena música y nunca nunca subestimes o sobreestimes tus ideales, son solo eso, ideales. Agítese al leer. kdsjfghd, jkhbvsdfh sdf, hjghbbckckcffjjV

Richard Hell on poets he used to read ten years ago...

agosto 19, 2008
"What do you find particularly moving about their work?

That's very mysterious. (laughs) If I knew how to do it, I'd be writing them all by myself. I don't know what the tricks are that those guys have. I try to imitate them sometimes. As a matter of fact, in this book I'm writing, I'm having to make up poems that certain characters in the book write. It's really tricky. I've always written poems myself. Poetry has always been my... magnetic pole. It's the direction I know that tells me where I am. That's part of the reason that I like conceiving of this book- the fun it would be and the challenge to write someone else's poetry. What do I get from those poets? It's like saying 'what do you get from that Jasper Johns American flag painting or that Jackson Pollock drip painting?' You get that engagement with your faculties that you want to get from art. It makes you think, it makes you feel. Sometimes it even makes you smell!"

hell y costello sudando estilo

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